Hare Kṛṣṇa! Thank you for visiting PrabhupadaAI. The platform is currently in maintenance mode. Please leave your email address to be updated on relaunch or check back later...
"If we perform everything nicely and always seize every opportunity to preach about Krishna, that is our formula for success. Of course, management must be there, but if preaching work is strong, management will automatically be strong. So in all cases, become a very good preacher, and this will please me very much."
---Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter, 8 December 1971, Delhi
PrabhupadaAI was created with the intention of making Śrīla Prabhupāda's teachings more accessible to modern society. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already integrated into every aspect of life—much like social media did in the past, followed by the internet, mobile phones, computers, and other groundbreaking technologies.
While none of these tools are necessary for the practice of Bhakti, they can and must be utilized for preaching. The way we use them, however, is something that warrants careful discussion.
On the occasion of Śrīla Prabhupāda's transcendental disappearance day this year, we launched a preview of the platform—PrabhupadaAI.com—with the understanding that this is not a stable release. As a result, some responses generated by the system may have been suboptimal. However, the data collected during this preview period will allow us to significantly improve the platform. We are planning to relaunch the site after extensive modifications, thorough testing, and discussions with ISKCON leaders on how to best utilize this powerful tool for preaching Krishna consciousness.
Some individuals have mistakenly believed that this project is endorsed or approved by His Holiness Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami. We would like to clarify that this is NOT the case. Maharaja has expressed his support for using all kinds of technology, including AI, in the service of spreading Krishna consciousness. However, he has not specifically endorsed the form this technology should take. Our team will be meeting with Maharaja in the near future to ensure that the project is presented in a way that is both accurate and pleasing to Śrīla Prabhupāda.
For those who used the platform during the preview period: As stated in our Terms and Conditions (which you agreed to upon your first login), "The creators of PrabhupadaAI make no representations about the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the platform for any particular purpose."
Your PrabhupadaAI Team